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Dai Diablotin ai Sorrisi al Cioccolato: La Tradizione Torinese Rinasce a CioccolaTÒ 2025

Dai Diablotin ai Sorrisi al Cioccolato: La Tradizione Torinese Rinasce a CioccolaTÒ 2025

Dal 27 febbraio al 2 marzo 2025 – Piazza Vittorio, Torino
🍫 La Fabbrica del Cioccolato della Città di Torino porta la firma di Silvio Bessone!

Torino, da secoli culla dell’arte cioccolatiera, torna a ospitare CioccolaTÒ 2025, la kermesse che celebra il cioccolato in tutte le sue forme. La Fabbrica del Cioccolato Artigianale, guidata dal Maestro Silvio Bessone, sarà il cuore pulsante dell’evento, riproponendo l’antica tradizione della lavorazione del cioccolato, dalla selezione delle fave di cacao alla creazione di praline e cioccolatini artigianali incartati a mano.

Winning Chocolatier the new online course

Winning Chocolatier the new online course

The secrets of the great professionals Success is that intangible thing, which rewards you for all the efforts you have made. That feeling of having dedicated one's life to something and having received the proper recognition for it in the back! Unfortunately, too...

Happy Easter

Happy Easter

This is the most unexpected and strange Easter of my life, never had it occurred to me to be locked in the office and not be able to admire the look of grandparents buying eggs for grandchildren. But we should not focus on the things we cannot influence, such as...

Mbingu 75% Dark Chocolate

Mbingu 75% Dark Chocolate

Thischocolate was born out of the need to make a Chocolate with the highest quality African cocoa and 100% controlled supply chain. Having met the Sisters of Mbingu was providential; in one year I made two trips to Tanzania to help the sisters improve their production...

Chocolate is also good for massage. A Gift Idea!

Chocolate Massages are one of the services you can find at the Chocolate Inn in Vicoforte. This is not an aesthetic service but exclusively benerre and Relaxation. Diano practices a personalized California massage using natural cocoa, which is rich in triacides and...

Farewell to historic brand Peyrano Chocolate

I am really sad about the news, but I am not surprised. Unfortunately, this is the state of the art of companies that at some point no longer know how to redesign themselves, the very history of this company speaks that Antonio in 1920 transformed a candy factory into...

New Year’s Eve 2019 with Dive into Chocolate

New Year's Eve 2019 with chocolate dip Last New Year's Eve, 2018's New Year's Eve at the Cioccolocanda in Vicoforte was a really big success.Yes, because you should know that in my Cioccolocanda, for years now, I have been organizing an incredible event: a dinner with...

Profession Chocolate the New Online Course by silvio bessone

Profession Chocolate the New Online Course by silvio bessone

CHOCOLATE PROFESSION BY SILVIO BESSONE. Finally after years of work, the first Italian online course for chocolate professionals is finally ready. Many friends and colleagues asked me to share this knowledge of mine with them; I was reluctant to want to put the fruit...

Silvio Bessone presents the new collection of Chocolates for 2019.

Silvio Bessone presents the new collection of Chocolates for 2019.

New Praline Collection 2019 by Silvio Bessone After months of research first and work later, I was finally able to finalize the collection that will feature boxes for Christmas 2018 and Valentine's Day 2019. I wanted to use fruit from my local area, but especially the...

Profession Chocolate the New Online Course by silvio bessone

Profession Chocolate the New Online Course by silvio bessone

CHOCOLATE PROFESSION BY SILVIO BESSONE. Finally after years of work, the first Italian online course for chocolate professionals is finally ready. Many friends and colleagues asked me to share this knowledge of mine with them; I was reluctant to want to put the fruit...