Thischocolate was born out of the need to make a Chocolate with the highest quality African cocoa and 100% controlled supply chain. Having met the Sisters of Mbingu was providential; in one year I made two trips to Tanzania to help the sisters improve their production capacity.
Training makes a difference
The social work done by the sisters is truly commendable, and nature has rewarded them. The genetic variety is amazing, these are absolutely special cocoa, Varieties traceable to Criollos such as Guasare or Cundeamor, Processed in a spectacular territory. Then the processing is handled by Simra, who with Cacao Kamili followed my suggestions regarding fermentation and drying. A special chocolate fruit of my teachings and infinite pride.

A social mission of great value
After working with the Franciscan sisters on the first trip, I returned to Mbingu six months later with my friends Marco and Judith. We verified the benefits achieved in only six months of good agricultural practice and the great satisfaction of the sisters.
We visited the cocoa collection center fresh and the fermentation procedure. It was already very well managed but some small attentions would take it from good cocoa to EXCELLENT cocoa. Now some time has passed and they have succeeded in achieving the goal prefixed. Popping up in the international market of ambitious Chocolatiers an price that would allow everyone to do good work and paid with dignity.
Giving well-being for the people who follow me
Now with immense satisfaction I see world-renowned colleagues, whom I personally hold in high esteem. They produce fine, limited-edition Chocolates using precisely the cocoa from my friends the sisters and processed by Friends Simra and Brian. Being pioneers and forerunners of the times is a memorable experience. When I read on the advertisements of big brands that they use cocoa for which I have devoted time and deniers, I get proud. In my own small way, I always manage to elevate the value of the people who follow me, and that is no small thing.
Ingredients: Mbingu Tanzania cocoa beans, Cane sugar, Natural cocoa butter, Salt Net weight gr 55

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