Leonardo milk 40%

Leonardo milk 40%

A milk chocolate of rare quality, we could say UNIQUE in the world. A chocolate for which I absolutely controlled the supply chain starting with cacao from Chuao, which I personally followed from its harvest through the work of the women of Chuao during my 2017 visit,...
Pincay Metate 60%

Pincay Metate 60%

This chocolate is a first among my productions i as it is a Raw cacao. I took the best cocoa I had and had firsthand knowledge of fermentation and drying. Maximilian has always inspired me with confidence. I analyzed it from raw and looked for any pathogens that might...

Maranon of Peru 73%.

This cocoa is produced by my friend Dan who has been living in Peru for years and growing cocoa using strict methods. So much so that it is called, the best cocoa in the World. As you know I don’t believe in these rankings because the best doesn’t exist,...