16 Feb 2025 | Cacao in pharmaceuticals, Landing, Solidarity Cocoa, The Solidarity Cocoa, Unique experiences, Video Gallery
Dal 27 febbraio al 2 marzo 2025 – Piazza Vittorio, Torino La Fabbrica del Cioccolato ISTITUZIONALE della Città di Torino è quella di Silvio Bessone! Torino, la capitale storica del cioccolato, torna a celebrare la sua tradizione con CioccolaTÒ 2025, un evento che...
22 Oct 2023 | Bean To Bar, Best wishes to the CioccoMoms, Cacao in cosmetics, Cacao in pharmaceuticals, Chocolocanda, Solidarity Cocoa, Special Products, The Solidarity Cocoa, Unique experiences
Dear readers, today I want to reveal a delicious secret that could change your perspective on health and wellness: chocolate. Yes, you read that right, chocolate can bring joy not only to the palate, but also to the mind and body. In this article, we will explore the...
16 Aug 2021 | Bean To Bar, Best wishes to the CioccoMoms, Cacao in cosmetics, Cacao in pharmaceuticals, Cocoa in the kitchen, Course Photos, Silvio Bessone's Recipes, Solidarity Cocoa, The Solidarity Cocoa, Video Gallery
The secrets of the great professionals Success is that intangible thing, which rewards you for all the efforts you have made. That feeling of having dedicated one’s life to something and having received the proper recognition for it in the back! Unfortunately,...
29 Feb 2020 | Bean To Bar, Cacao in pharmaceuticals, Course Photos, Solidarity Cocoa, The Solidarity Cocoa, Video Gallery
Thischocolate was born out of the need to make a Chocolate with the highest quality African cocoa and 100% controlled supply chain. Having met the Sisters of Mbingu was providential; in one year I made two trips to Tanzania to help the sisters improve their production...
26 Dec 2017 | Cacao in pharmaceuticals, The Solidarity Cocoa
I am deeply moved by the passing of the great Maestro Gualtiero Marchesi. A man of great gastronomic culture and knowledge. A Man of style and frankness who disdained easy solutions and tricks of cleverness. World Cuisine loses one of the greatest interpreters of...
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