Monday night’s coverage of Chocolate on Report, was not the best it could be! It did not shed light on all the aspects that should be reviewed and that really make such a magical and fantastic world as the world of Chocolate miserable! However, it had merit to make people think and open a discussion!
I read today on various posts, that little people who live on the sidelines of Chocolate are writing and suggesting legal action! I can guarantee you that: if the Judiciary and the Guardia di Finanza got into this affair for someone it would be serious trouble indeed! So I advise those who have roles where they spend community money to promote international projects to be very careful in their writing! Even if it did not emerge last night that does not mean that no one knows! When I say that if you do things and say other things you are committing fraud, it is only what is written in the penal code! When a place, people brag about doing things and using techniques before reporting they should examine their conscience and check the veracity of THEIR claims! Letting go is not sharing! On the subject of Modica Chocolate, I have expressed an opinion based on knowledge and concepts that I have been debating and discussing for decades already since the time of Compianti Franco Ruta and Dr. Tuminello in unsuspected times and many years ago! I am happy that friend PEO and a few others, have taken a path that in my opinion is the only viable one to turn a legend into a serious opportunity. Modica is an extraordinary land, but let no one come to me and make me believe that melting a Laqualunque mass in a Bain-Marie is synonymous with originality and what extraordinary uniqueness, just adding granulated sugar does not represent the pinnacle of chocolate-making technique! And please leave the Maya alone!!! Then if fine writers have extolled the glories and if they have been lavishly compensated for it just go and read about the municipality’s budgets and see the expenses for communication and promotion of the area! The Ragusa Chamber of Commerce and the Municipality of Modica have kept by law all the fiscal documentation that can support my words. But I don’t want to polemicize, but to stimulate this world to be more SERIOUS! and leave too much baloney alone! I don’t envy anyone! I have no reason or desire for it, I have everything I need and that makes me feel proud of what I do! I started doing television in 1995 and voluntarily gave up TV in 2005, My contests I won in the field without middles and consultants! Where if there was a gold medal and a silver medal they were one and by GOD’s grace the best chocolatiers in the world today have come before me and I have competed with three generations of Chocolatiers and the WORLD has been my stage, when competing was an Enterprise! Today my prncipal sales market is Japan, there shortcuts are not allowed you need consistency and a lot of professionalism. However, I travel with my head held high and: I can understand those who, not being able to do the same things as me, not having the COURAGE to take the same positions as me, try to doping their work in order to minimally make believe that they are part of my habitat.
I let a few hours pass so that I could read the reactions, I really feel very sorry for Giacomo Boidi, a professional whom I respect and MUCH more honest than personages who write about indignation, he has stumbled into naivety but I am sure that if the PRADA company, would consider punishing him and taking him out of work, today he would not be able in Italy to find another company as serious and professional as Giraudi to have their products made. I would like to thank Guido Gobino who ennobles this magnificent art of Chocolate every chance he gets! I think that’s enough for tonight but from tomorrow morning we need to put on our aprons and start the battle against time again as Christmas is just around the corner and the millions of consumers want to have the best of us and not the worst of a magical world, Then history will know who is worthy or not worthy to stay there! I had a dream when I was 5 years old, to become a Chocolatier! I thank God for giving me the strength to realize my dream! And to see the future so many years ago! when everyone couldn’t even see the present!

Silvio Bessone shows his open hand in the foreground, smeared with chocolate
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