The Great Kitchen for Your Baby, when I sent out wishes for CioccoMoms in May, I just wanted to participate with my clients in the immense joy that sprung from Leonardo’s birth!
I had a dip in generosity I promised to make a little booklet with a few pages to help Simona cook.
Thinking that the other girls, the ones I met in Cioccolocanda could also benefit from it, some friends on Facebook wrote to me to share the e-book with them.
Then I got the idea to ask some questions, and here Pandora’s box opened!

I thought I understood what was needed, but over 100 people wrote to me, many flattering me with compliments, one Insulting me by saying that they just lacked more of my advice, but so many indeed wrote to me asking my opinion on the intolerances of their children, some with digestive difficulties and others with growth problems!

Then as a scientist, passionate gastronome, extremely curious and especially as a Grandfather, I started to investigate the problem, I wanted to give answers and for 15 days I did not sleep, just so that I could be of help to all those who wrote to me and made inquiries.

Damn it always happens like this, when you want to teach someone something you end up being the first to learn so much!

I have consulted dozens of pediatricians, some experienced kitchen technologists a couple of nutritionists, a few mannered quacks and experienced naturopaths. I must admit that it was fascinating on the one hand and disturbing on the other. To go through the world of dietary restrictions is really sad, especially for those who do not have good technical knowledge and have to turn for everything you have preparations that can only be found in pharmacies, at FOLLOUS prices! and not always entirely genuine.

I have almost completed the second e-book and the new features are really a lot, I will cover DNA to find out about possible intolerances and give guidance on how to best manage any problems, but most importantly how to avoid exposing children who may be sensitive to Lactose and Gluten to unnecessary risks, without substituting myself for the doctor, but preparing with them, simple solutions for the present and future health of the child!

If this seems to have become more interesting to you, and you haven’t downloaded it yet this is the right time, download the first Free e-book and in a few days you will also receive the second one that will open your eyes to a sometimes guiltily overlooked aspect of Baby feeding

If you would like to receive the first e-book for free Download the E-book


The big kitchen for your child!