[box] This year I thought I would wish you a Happy Birthday by giving you a PERFECT menu![/box] 

A small e-book with 4 fabulous recipes, which I made especially for you. Impress your diners with applauding dishes and achieve happy family awareness, too. Only at the Table can everyday little misunderstandings be healed. Turn your kitchen into the most beautiful place in the world! Today my mom was having lunch with me, it’s her 78th birthday. He said: Silvio the table is getting small! there were 9 of us sitting at a table of 8, I answered him. Dear Mom in our house everyone comes to eat willingly and it is a good sign if the diners increase! With tears in his eyes, he said, Always teach your girls the value of conviviality, pass on your culinary art to them, and now that you’re about to become a Grandfather yourself, be wise and continue to make your table the best place your children and grandchildren will want to be! I thought a lot ogi and decided to give you this Gift as a token of gratitude for choosing to come one day to share my table, I hope you can appreciate this authentic me token of respect! I go every day looking for new gastronomic sensations, chasing curious combinations, always keeping in mind that food represents our feelings and WE ARE what we eat! I hope you will appreciate this gesture of conviviality uto be inserted here