16 Feb 2025 | Cacao in pharmaceuticals, Landing, Solidarity Cocoa, The Solidarity Cocoa, Unique experiences, Video Gallery
Dal 27 febbraio al 2 marzo 2025 – Piazza Vittorio, Torino La Fabbrica del Cioccolato ISTITUZIONALE della Città di Torino è quella di Silvio Bessone! Torino, la capitale storica del cioccolato, torna a celebrare la sua tradizione con CioccolaTÒ 2025, un evento che...
8 Oct 2024 | Bean To Bar, Cocoa in the kitchen, Landing, Solidarity Cocoa, The Solidarity Cocoa, Unique experiences
A pure taste experience, handcrafted according to the Bessone Methiod Process method. Introduction:99% cocoa mass, made from the finest personally selected cocoa beans, is the quintessence of chocolate. After tasting the roasted beans, the transition to cocoa mass...
18 Apr 2024 | Bean To Bar, Course Photos, Solidarity Cocoa, Unique experiences
Discover the Path to Mastery in Chocolate with Our Exclusive Internship Program! Have you ever dreamed of turning your passion for chocolate into a successful career? With our internship program for aspiring chocolatiers, this dream can become a reality! We offer a...
22 Oct 2023 | Bean To Bar, Best wishes to the CioccoMoms, Cacao in cosmetics, Cacao in pharmaceuticals, Chocolocanda, Solidarity Cocoa, Special Products, The Solidarity Cocoa, Unique experiences
Dear readers, today I want to reveal a delicious secret that could change your perspective on health and wellness: chocolate. Yes, you read that right, chocolate can bring joy not only to the palate, but also to the mind and body. In this article, we will explore the...
19 Oct 2023 | Bean To Bar, Best wishes to the CioccoMoms, Chocolocanda, Solidarity Cocoa, Unique experiences
Love is a sweet and passionate feeling, just like chocolate. What if we could combine these two elements to create a unique and memorable experience for couples? Welcome to the world of Couple’s Bath in Chocolate, an experience that promises to spark and ignite...
17 Oct 2023 | Bean To Bar, Best wishes to the CioccoMoms, Chocolocanda, Course Photos, Solidarity Cocoa, Unique experiences
Chocolate: A Dive into Wellness Dear readers, today I want to reveal a delicious secret that could change your perspective on health and wellness: chocolate. Yes, you read that right, chocolate can bring joy not only to the palate, but also to the mind and body. In...
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