The most precious chocolate in the World!
A major football TOP PLAYER, this week had his agent send an order to Silvio Bessone.
The object of desire of the well-known soccer champion, playing in one of the major European leagues was the Giangioiello!
This is an article, which Silvio Bessone had already made some years ago and bought at auction by a major Emir for a staggering sum!
The famous footballer ( who asked to remain secret for the time being) He would commission him, to ask his partner to marry him!
This very special Cioccolatino is made with a very rare Venezuelan cocoa, which Bessone acquired on one of his last trips and which, due to its organoleptic characteristics, is extraordinary with the addition of Piedmontese hazelnut.
The well-known Top Player is deeply in love with Gianduia, having tried it a few months ago at the home of a colleague of his who just this summer got married in Venice.
Still secret is the value of this special Chocolat, but raising the sweet thought to stellar figures is the magnificent Diamond that is set in the frame that houses the Gianduiotto.
The delivery date is secret, but the Giangioiello is already in production at the workshop in Vicoforte Piemonte Italy.

The Giangioiello packed in a precious casket of fine antique wood

The World’s Most Valuable Chocolate
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